
Putting Experience to Work

The State of Alaska enacted the Public Employees Relations Act in 1972 and the Supervisors were some of the first employees to petition for representation. They have been represented by APEA/AFT since that time. The Supervisory Unit (SU) makes up three chapters within APEA/AFT; Southcentral, Southeast and Northern Chapters is comprised of approximately 2,400 members.

Each Chapter has it’s own leadership, bylaws,and one supervisor from each of APEA/AFT’s Regions sit on the APEA-AFT Board of Directors.The Bargaining Committee is comprised of a Negotiator and Alternate from each region. Members may serve in various capacities from employee representative to local chapter officer to executive board member. Positions often come open. Check with an employee representative for current opportunities to serve your local chapter.

	graph TD
	    subgraph Local 4900
	        C[Chairs & Vice-Chairs]
	    subgraph APEA
	    subgraph AFT
	        E[National Delegates]
	    subgraph AFL-CIO
	        F[Alaska AFL-CIO]
	    A --> B
	    B --> C
	    C --> D
	    D --> E
	    D --> F
AcronymFull Name
SUSupervisory Unit
APEAAlaska Public Employees Association
AFTAmerican Federation of Teachers
E BoardState Supervisory Executive Board
NSUNorthern Supervisory Unit
ACEAnchorage Council of Education
EPICEmployees Political Information Committee
FAQFrequently Asked Questions