Behind the Scenes
Negotiating Team
Southcentral Region
Southeast Region
Northern Region
Health Benefits Evaluation Committee (HBEC)

Northern Chapter
- Fairbanks
- Chapter Chairperson - Andrea Quintyne
- Chapter Vice Chair - Vacant
- Chapter Sec/Treas - Vacant
Employee Representatives
- Jon Markkanen - FCS/OCS Fairbanks
- Andrea Quintyne - Labor/LLS Fairbanks
- Christine Gleason - DFG/COF Fairbanks

Southcentral Chapter
- Anchorage
- Chapter Chairperson - Mike Miller
- Chapter Chairperson - Marta Mueller
- Chapter Sec/Treas - Vacant
Employee Representatives
- Bonnie Allen - Trans/PF Airport Anch
- Jason Brown - DOC/SCCC Anch
- Cris Sanders - DOC/DPP Anch
- Jeff Warner - EC/DEH Anch
- Kandi Stewart - DOH/HCS Anch
- Kara Kusche - DEC/SPAR Anch
- Mike Miller - DOR/CSED Anch
- Mike Williams - DOR Anch
- Rena Bukovich-Notti - DPS Anch
- Heather Heusser - DNR Anch
- Janelle Mullen - DOH Anch
- James Milburn - DOC/Institutions Kenai
- Jason Foster - HSS/KPYF Kenai
- Benjamin Shryock - DNR/Parks Kodiak
- Kelly McDonald - DOC/DPP Palmer
- Norman McDonald - DNR/Forestry Palmer
- Dave Paperman - LWD/AVTEC Seward
- Dan Traxinger - DOC/Institutions Wasilla

Southeast Chapter
- Juneau
- Chapter Chairperson - Christina Strahm
- Chapter Vice Chair - Vicki O’Brien
- Chapter Sec/Treas - Jesse Slone
Employee Representatives
- Karen Lechner - DOA/OIT Juneau
- Liam Carnahan - DOT/ROW UT Juneau
- Vicki O’Brien - DOH/DPA Ketchikan
- Christina Strahm - DOR/PFD Juneau
Anchorage Southcentral Regional Union Office
Located at 3310 Arctic Blvd, Suite 200, Anchorage AK 99503.
The Anchorage Office currently houses the APEA/AFT Business Manager, Southcentral Field Representatives, a Local and a National Organizer and Administrative Assistant. In addition, the office provides office space and administrative support to Totem Associates ESP
- (907) 274-1688
- (fax) (907) 277-4588
- 1-800-478-9992 (inside Alaska only)
- Regional Manager - Anne Knight
- Regional Manager - Barbara Strong
- Regional Manager - Donnie Lane
Organizer Organization & Field Services - AFT National
- Administrative Assist - Lori Rogers
- EPIC Chair - Sandy Thompson-Wallace

Juneau Southeast Regional Union Office / Headquarters
Located in Suite 306 of the Assembly Apartment Building, diagonally across from the State Capitol Building at 211 4th Avenue, Suite 306, Juneau AK 99801. The Juneau Office currently houses the Finance Officer, the Legal Trust Accountant, Membership Technician, Southeast Regional Manager, Southeast Field Representatives and an Administrative Assistant.
- (907) 586-2334
- fax) (907) 463-4980
- 1-800-478-9991 (inside Alaska only)
- Business Manager - Jeff Kasper
- Field Representative - Stephen Courtright
- Field Representative - Angel Collins
- Financial Officer - Chip Verrelli
- Legal Trust - Carol Gray
- Accounting Tech/Membership - Kristine Verrelli
- Membership - Glendia Malaby
- Administrative Assistant - Patrice DeAsis
- State Affiliate Political Organizer - Miguel Rohrbacher

Fairbanks Northern Regional Union Office
Located at 825 College Road, Fairbanks AK 99701. The Fairbanks Office currently houses the Northern Regional Manager, Northern Field Representative and the Administrative Assistant.
- (907) 450-3701
- (fax) (907) 456-7478
- 1-800-478-9993 (inside Alaska only)
- Regional Manager - Michael Koskie
- Field Representative - Jason Roach
- Administrative Assis. - Adrian Agee

Members of the Supervisory Unit
Executive Board Members
- SU President - Jesse Slone
- SU Secretary / Treasurer - Michael Williams
- SU Southeast Chapter Chairperson - Christina Strahm
- SU Southeast Chapter Vice Chair: - Vicki O’Brien
- SU Southcentral Chapter Chairperson: - Mike Miller
- SU Southcentral Chapter Vice Chair: - Marta Mueller
- SU Northern Chapter Chairperson:: - Andrea Quintyne
- SU Northern Chapter Vice Chair: - Vacant
Personnel Management
Grievance Committee
- Vacant