What Is EPIC?

EPIC Employee Political Information Committee

For nearly fifty years the Employee Political Information Committee has been the eyes and ears of Public servants in Alaska. EPIC is a member driven board that meets to endorse candidates for local and statewide office. EPIC is non-partisan and makes decisions based on where a candidate stands on workers rights NOT on what letter is behind a candidate’s name.

EPIC members base their decisions to endorse, support and contribute to candidates based on candidate voting records, statements, conversations, and support for public employees. Simple as that. We believe in hard work and honoring promises. Every endorsement EPIC makes is earned. Our board members represent their local unions and come from every corner of Alaska. Our members come from all walks of life, backgrounds, and regions. What binds us together is the belief all Alaskan workers deserve fairness, protection of our rights, and safe and prosperous communities. We meet regularly to discuss issues, interview candidates, and organize to educate and mobilize our fellow members.

EPIC endorses candidates based on the above criteria and makes financial contributions to support them. EPIC also works in our various communities to educate our fellow members and advocate for our brothers and sisters by monitoring legislation, protecting hard earned rights, contacting our representatives, and engaging in the political process. If you are running for office and you would like to be considered for an endorsement please reach out to our Chair Sandy Thompson-Wallace to request a questionnaire.